1st Day of Job & Updates
The fish, Vincent Simon III, has started eating again; come to find out he is picky, go figure I buy a fish and I pick the temperamental one!
Tomorrow I am going to try canning peaches, I have no idea what I am doing! I will take pictures and post them because if I don't I doubt anyone will believe me.
Have a wonderful week!
flowers & such
I picked these simple yet pretty flowers up at the farmers market on Saturday. They have so made my week! We are now incorporating money for flowers into our monthly budget. Frivolous? Yes, but I don't care and flowers make me happy! On a side note I start my new job tomorrow and there are only 46 days till Halloween!
Food Like Substances
Fish, Football, and Flip Flops
Football season has started and between BYU football (I hate BYU) school and studying for the LSAT my husband has no time to wait on me anymore. This is a big trial for me, I am not adjusting well and plus it scares me when he yells at the TV.
I have officially lost half of my favorite pair of flip flops. I wore them home from my grandparents over a month ago and now I can't find the left shoe. (yes mom I am sure, because they are brown and I wore them with a black shirt home and was embarrassed by the fact that I did not match and yes mom I have looked again the shoe is gone).