Isn't kissing wonderful?

Hope you have someone sweet to kiss in the rain. Picture from here.

1st Day of Job & Updates

So I started my new job at Salt Lake Valley Health Department and on the first day I made Eric take my picture because that is what you do on the first day of things (i.e. kindergarten, marriage, etc.). I am loving the new job so far and I am feeling completely lost and inadequate which is a good sign because the only way to go is up!

The fish, Vincent Simon III, has started eating again; come to find out he is picky, go figure I buy a fish and I pick the temperamental one!

Tomorrow I am going to try canning peaches, I have no idea what I am doing! I will take pictures and post them because if I don't I doubt anyone will believe me.

Have a wonderful week!

flowers & such

I picked these simple yet pretty flowers up at the farmers market on Saturday. They have so made my week! We are now incorporating money for flowers into our monthly budget. Frivolous? Yes, but I don't care and flowers make me happy! On a side note I start my new job tomorrow and there are only 46 days till Halloween!

Food Like Substances

To day I have ingested maltodextrain, tartaric acid, gum arabic, rice starch, magnesium stearate, ascorbic acid, yellow 6, carnauba way, carbonated water, caramel color, phosphoric acid, potassium benzoate (to protect taste), citric acid, caffeine, and some thing called phenylketonurics which I think causes cancer in rats (whoops!).

In other words I had two of these and a whole pack of this!


My fish, Vincent Simon III, won't eat. I have had him for about two weeks and he has yet to eat anything and as a result he is starting to look really bad. I don't know what to do, I'm a bad fish owner.

Fish, Football, and Flip Flops

Last week I decided it was time for a new pet. Previously we had a very cute hamster by the name of Artur (pronounced R-Tour, it's from Robert Jordan, yes we are geeks) but he passed a way. Artur's death was traumatic, he took a very long time to die and I really wanted to put him to sleep but Eric said "NO!" because he only cost $6. Since then I decided I would never get another pet that I could not put to sleep when its time came, so we got a fish because at least I can flush it down the toilet. So, the fish's name is Vincent Simon III and no we have not had two other fish by that name. Eric is obsessed with naming things "the Third" and I am hoping that by naming the fish Vincent Simon III he will get it out of his system and I won't end up with "the Third" tacked on to the end of my children's names.

Football season has started and between BYU football (I hate BYU) school and studying for the LSAT my husband has no time to wait on me anymore. This is a big trial for me, I am not adjusting well and plus it scares me when he yells at the TV.

I have officially lost half of my favorite pair of flip flops. I wore them home from my grandparents over a month ago and now I can't find the left shoe. (yes mom I am sure, because they are brown and I wore them with a black shirt home and was embarrassed by the fact that I did not match and yes mom I have looked again the shoe is gone).

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