
i have come to the conclusion that there are a few words in my vocabulary that need to be eradicated. Now while I should really be trying to avoid saying such "bad" words as damn and hell

a monumental day of sorts...

Its a monumental day of sorts - 5 years ago today LB and I had our fist date, a blind date that is. A girl at work offered to set me up with her brother, she said he played the guitar (which was not really true), that he was going to be an engineer, and not going to BYU-so I thought "hey,why not - free dinner" plus nearly every friend I had was on their honeymoon. So we went to dinner with Kristina (LBs sister) & and her husband Todd and then played putt putt golf. LB was smitten from the get go and could hardly wait 2 days to call me again - after he call and asked for a 2nd date I screamed and then tackled my roommate out of excitement. After that shall we say the rest is just history.

Is it time for drugs yet?

So I am beginning to think that this whole moving thing is going to kill me or at least cause me to lose my mind. Today we bought 2 airplane tickets for Washington, DC in June so that we can find an apartment and hopefully a job. I guess I need to get it in my head that this move is going to happen no matter how much I kick and scream (or rather stress and cry). LB gave me permission to "fall apart a little bit" but I feel like I am totally coming unglued - really I think I am about ready for medication! All I can say it thank heaven for this girl! We met in 8th grade orchestra, fought over the same weird guy for years, and have been great friends ever since. Lucky for me Chira and her sweet husband live right outside of DC and have gone out of their way to help us out. However, after letting us come and stay for a week she may disown me!

i want...

-to have a tea party, invite girl friends and require they wear a dress
-to buy a pretty umbrella and rain boots and use them (how much does in rain in DC?)
-to be able to run 26.2 miles and live
-to find a great job that i will like, it does not have to be perfect, I just want to like it
-to learn to take really good pictures
-to go on a road trip and just drive, no plan, i just want to go
-to go horseback riding
-the farmers market to be open now
-to lay in a backyard hammock and eat freeze pops just like i did when i was a kid
-to go to the zoo
-to find the perfect apartment in DC - one that has a dishwasher
-to be able to sew like my mother
-to go on week long vacation with my mom
-to be able to have a definite plan
-to always have the perfect outfit to wear
-a perpetually clean car
-a maid
-to live by the ocean
-And I want to always remember this day...

LB - damn you look good in a tux!

okay so maybe i cried...

Hail the conquering graduate! LB graduated from the University of Utah (the one true school) yesterday with a Bachelor's Degree in Physics and a minor in Math. You got to love a smart boy! It took some begging to get him to agree to walk in the convocation and to pose for pictures but I think he secretly enjoyed it. LB will be attending Georgetown Law School (he even got a scholarship) in the fall, and I could not be more proud of him - I brag him up every chance I get!

Letting Go

I now know how a child feels when you throw away his security blanket. I figured it was time to let go of the ballet sweats - they had holes, stains, rips, and tares but oh were they comfy; plus they had seen plenty of good times (and some bad ones) to last a life time. I wanted to ceremoniously burn them but I could not find a barrel, plus I think you need a permit, so I had to settle for ceremoniously trashing them!

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