Good Bye Aging Services

I GOT A NEW JOB! For the last two years I have worked for Salt Lake County Aging Services coordinating the Senior Health Insurance Information Program. A few weeks ago I interviewed for a Health Educator job with the Salt Lake Valley Heath Department and received a job offer. So on September 16th I will be starting my new job working for the Health Department in community outreach, I am not completely sure what all I will be doing but this website will give you a general idea. I am really excited about the new job, it is a promotion, I will be making more money and I will not have to deal with Medicare any more.

Can I wash my mouth out with soap, please?

I cussed/swore in church on Sunday, not my finest moment I tell ya. We don't go to regular church, instead we are called to the Primary Children's Medical Center Branch where Eric is the executive secretary and I am the 2nd counselor in the primary presidency, however that is not the point of the story. No, the point of the story is that I have a bad mouth, which was instilled in me at an early age and I can not seam to kick the very bad habit of using the two somewhat inappropriate words, "Dam" and "Hell".

So on Sunday as both the Branch Presidency, Primary Presidency, and the High Counselor where waiting to go down to Sacrament Meeting I was moving some papers and I cut my pinkie finger right across the top through the cuticle and out of my mouth popped "Dammit". While I quickly tried to cover it up with a more appropriate word it was to late, I had outed my self as the bad word user that I am. I felt so guilty (and stupid)!

Let just say I did not grow up in a family who is known for their clean language and it was not until later in life that I realized that "Hell" was actually a cuss word. Needless to say it is a good thing we are not having children for a long while as I need to improve foul mouth a do a better job of watching my language, especially at church.

Moment of Insanity!

So the other day at the gym I had this insane thought where for a brief second I wished I was still dancing! Let me tell you it was a scary second, luckily I quickly snapped out of it. However, I now have this strange need to post some old ballet pictures. While I will always have a love for ballet I will always have a greater love for sanity and a sense of normality.

(note: I have not be back to the gym since)

Denver, CO

I took a little business trip to Denver Colorado this week. I was there for a Medicare training conference and it worked out great that my friends Debbie and Ryan live there so I was able to spend some time with them. I really liked Colorado and now I am trying to get Eric to seriously consider going to grad school there. The trip was fun however, three years of marriage has turned me into a big baby that can't sleep with out her husband and is scared of being alone at night! What happened to my fierce independence? Anyway, here are some pictures from the trip, down town Denver is so cool!

10 Things About Steph...

1. she is afraid of the dash board and when riding shotgun she must put the seat all the way back
2. she will not watch scary movies
3. she is always cold
4. she goes to the gym because she still afraid of getting fat
5. she loves her vises, diet coke, & using the word hell
6. she misses her mom
7. she thinks she has a great body - it only took 25 years, one good man, and leaving the ballet world to realize it
8. she has a natural tendency to be a bitch
9. she finds the question "so, when are you going to have a baby?" extremely offensive
10. she never goes anywhere with out her ipod and a book

The Ranch

We went to visit my grandparents in Swan Lake Idaho. While I was there I mowed their lawn, it was the first time I had ever mowed a lawn, my grandpa said it looked like a drunk man mowed it. While driving the riding lawn mower was fun I think I will leave lawn mowing to Eric or better yet I will just hire someone to do it that is when I finally get a lawn (If I get a raise at work I may even hire someone to clean my bathroom- go a head judge me for that, but admit it you want a maid too).

This is Mir.

This is Skeeter

My grandpa's best friend: Buggs.

Deer Valley

The best way to enjoy the Utah Symphony is outside with food! Each year in Utah there is the Deer Valley Music Festival where one gets to sit on the ski slop and enjoy great music. Eric and I have been going to the festival for the last 4 years and we love it! This year we saw "Broadway Rocks" which included guest performers singing some of the greatest Broadway hits.

Did I mention that I quit diet coke right after I graduated? Well I did, and then I went to visit my grandparents (aka: the house of caffeine) and fell off the band wagon. So I am back on diet coke, I guess we all have to have our vises!


My absolute favorite desert is fresh fruit tart! So I decided I needed to learn how to make one these are pictures of my first two attempts. I totally over cooked the crust for the first one but I guess you live and learn. I would have posted all of these pictures earlier but I have been locked in my room reading Breaking Dawn (yes I know that is pathetic) and now that I have come back to reality and done the laundry I can blog again.

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