flowers & such

I picked these simple yet pretty flowers up at the farmers market on Saturday. They have so made my week! We are now incorporating money for flowers into our monthly budget. Frivolous? Yes, but I don't care and flowers make me happy! On a side note I start my new job tomorrow and there are only 46 days till Halloween!


  1. I LOVE flowers. I'm glad that you are incorporating them into your budget. Sometimes we need those 'frivolous' things.

    Good luck with the new job.

    And in 46 days I get to wear my orange skirt! Huzzah!

  2. Good luck with the job! I hope it went well! Lets do lunch sometime next week or Friday this week... let me know when you can! I can come meet you somehwere up there!

  3. I love those flowers! On a side note... did you get my email? are we planning a party 'cause I need to reserve the clubhouse if you want me to. Let me know!


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