Won Wonderful Weekend....

LB and I had a whirlwind of a weekend; we managed to get up at 10am and still squeeze in grocery shopping, a date, a football game and a rock concert.

I was infinitely happier than LB by the end of the evening!
Go Utes! 48 - 24

The loyal BYU fan! - He's a hypocrite because he goes to the U.

- A party for 2 -

LB and I went to Coldplay with our good friends Ryan & Debbie. The opening band sucked - I am pretty sure you had to be on some sort of illicit drug to enjoy it. However, on the upside Coldplay was amazing and I can't wait to see them again!

I hate to park down town so we road the train, got to love Tracks!

After our whirlwind of a Saturday we enjoyed our favorite pastime: napping.
It was so fun spending the day with my sweetheart to bad he can't take every Saturday off!

Law School Up Date

* I forgot LB also applied to the University of Chicago and for Chira's sake I have listed the city the schools are in.

We are now one step closer to getting out of Utah! This week LB finished and submitted all of his Law School applications. So where all did he apply? Here is "The List" in no particular order:

  • Columbia University - NYC
  • NYU - NYC
  • Cardozo School of Law - NYC
  • Cornell Law School - Ithaca, NY
  • Georgetown University - Wash D.C.
  • George Washington University - Wash D.C.
  • UCLA - Los Angeles, CA
  • UC Berkeley - Berkeley, CA
  • Stanford Law School - Palo Alto, CA
  • University of Pennsylvania - Philadelphia, PA
  • University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, MI
  • Northwestern University - Chicago, IL
  • University of Washington - Seattle, WA
  • University of Chicago - Chicago, IL

We won't hear back from schools till sometime next year so our future is still up in the air (which is driving me crazy because I need a PLAN) but stay tuned because things are going to get exciting around here!


I'm in trouble! I washed LB's cell phone with the laundry tonight and even threw it in the dryer and let it tumble around for a sec till I figured out what it was. I used the blow dryer on the phone and it turned back on but who knows if it will continue to work. Now I am contemplating weather or not to tell LB about my mishap - you see he has had the phone for about 8 months and he is due to loose it soon anyway, he generally goes through a phone a year. So I am thinking I will just wait and see if he still has his phone next week and then tell him!

Food Storage

12 Cases of Coke Products - $24.00

Having enough Soda to survive the Holidays - Priceless!

*Rationalization for purchase - Food Storage

Today I'm Thankful..

-for the men and women who have fought and died to protect my freedoms
-for a day off and a chance to ware jeans and a t-shirt
-that I can change the head lights in my own car
-that I know how to knit
-that parents/grandparents taught me the meaning of the word "work"
-for home-made quilts by mom
-for sweet unexpected emails from friends that remind you that your loved
-for herbal tea, hot water bottles, sweat pants, and a good movie
-for friends that let you sweep their leaves
-that I married the smart boy
-for Preston, ID, pizza, and family the day after Thanksgiving
-that I no longer ware point shoes
-for my ipod
-for this hymn, its my favorite, oh and this one too
-for my cameras
-that I have a mind and the ability to question, doubt, reason, and gain a knowledge of things for myself
-for my way cool brothers who I am so proud of
-for my great grandmothers chair
-that new adventures await LB and I next year
-for my church calling at Primary Children's Medical Center that has forced me to re-examine what I know and given me the opportunity to associate with heroes and angles


-that I am married to a man who gets me, respects me, and thinks I'm amazing! (oh and did I mention he's smart?)


For Halloween LB and I dressed as Renaissance people, I decided that we were Romeo and Juliet. However, LB thought that being Romeo was beneath him so he spent a good
30 min reading a history book and decided he was Cosimo de' Medici.

Marsha (my amazing mother) seamstress extraordinaire made our costumes, I love home-made costumes, it's my opinion they are far superior. It was so fun playing dress up for the day, its to bad Halloween only comes around once a year -

Last night LB and I went to a party given by my dear friend Lindsey, we had a great time and even won a prize at Halloween Bingo.

My office even dressed up for Halloween - The girls at the Health Dept dress to impress!

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