What should I Read?

For my birthday my parents sent me this little beauty (it's a kindle e-reader) and I absolutely love it. But now I need some book recommendations. So please tell me what should I read?

Also for my birthday my sweet husband took me to a ballet at the Kennedy Center, and kept his mouth shut as I shopped all month long, but now I am just bragging so I  will stop - but turning  28 hurts and retail therapy helps!

Up and Dressed...

First I want to thank everyone for your kind words of encouragement and those that shared your own experiences of dealing with depression! I can not tell you how much your words meant to me - it is comforting to know your not the only one going though something and depression has a way of making one feel very alone and isolated, so Thank You!!

I have decided to start a little series titled "Up and Dressed..." where I will continue to post pictures of my efforts to get up, dress up, and show up for life (my new year resolution #7). Please note I dress up for myself and my self alone - well maybe a little bit for LB but 99.5% for me!

Please excuse the poor quality of the photos, the lighting in our cozy apartment is absolutely terrible and we are far from the best photographers!
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