Best PEZ Dispenser Eever!

I ask you, what is better then PEZ candy in a U of U Football PEZ Dispenser? Nothing!


Ok I am now 26 and just maybe 26 is not sitting so well with me.

I have found wrinkles I did not know I had which I am pretty sure should not of shown up till 40 and to top it off I still have way to many zits - what is with that? I know your not suppose to have issue with getting older till 30 but to me 26 marks the end of being a kid and while I have finally graduated from college and landed a great job, I'm not crazy about adulthood! Am I Crazy? - Wait don't answer that.

Oh LB did make me a romantic Birthday dinner and surprised me with Fruit Tart and an Orchid! The best part is since LB and I moved my Birthday to March as few years back I get a 2nd 26th Birthday on March 22nd. I think I will buy myself some pink balloons then!

Picture from here!

At Last

Do you ever wish your life had a sound track? I do! Maybe that's why I wander around my office with my ipod on and suddenly get the urge to twirl while walking through the parking lot.

LB and I danced to this song at our wedding, "At Last" and the wonderful Etta James will always be on my sound track. Though I have to say Beyonce does a great job and you have got to love that dress!

these 3 men...well they made my day

just this morning I was cursing Utah and the "greatest snow on earth", but on my way in the house this evening I found these 3 handsome snowmen in the court -
maybe I will miss Utah more then I think

And We're Back.

I have been greatly neglecting the blog as of lately but I have been busy. Busy relaxing, reading, movie watching, shopping and gaining weight that is. But now that I am back to being constructive at work and at home I am going to do better about blogging; after all things are going to start to get exciting around these parts!

LB is going to graduate from the University of Utah in May (in case you don't know our football team just beat Alabama and won the Sugar Bowl, 13-0, beat that BYU) and he is going to go to Law School! In fact he has already been accepted at one good school but we are going to keep that under raps for the time being.

So getting back to the matter at hand, Christmas, we spent the week in Portland with my family where it had stormed like crazy and all the roads were covered in 3 inches of ice. Needless to say the weather in UT was better then Portland! Christmas was good fun, I read two books, watched the first two season of Friday Night Lights (which amounted to 30+ hours and I am now completely addicted, mmmm...Tim Riggins), spent more money shopping after Christmas then I did on Christmas, bought these way cute shoes, caved to the fad and bought those tight legging things, and turned my husband into a shopping monster (the man has watched one to many episodes of What Not to Ware). There are other details to the vacation but either you would find them boring or my mother would be mortified if I shared them, so we will save the embarrassing condom story till later.

Christmas Picture Recap -

Pearl was upset by the Snow

Dean was spent the week with his whiskers in a knot and let every one know it.

LB got a hair cut

I read a few books

Pheebe and Tough came to visit

Ian got some Irish Whiskey from Santa

Alex was there

I did a whole lot of nothing

There tree was beautiful

And Chef Ian made breakfast

OK that's all for now... News Years Resolutions to come (I just got out of my vacation funk so you will have to give me a day or two).

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