Ok I am now 26 and just maybe 26 is not sitting so well with me.

I have found wrinkles I did not know I had which I am pretty sure should not of shown up till 40 and to top it off I still have way to many zits - what is with that? I know your not suppose to have issue with getting older till 30 but to me 26 marks the end of being a kid and while I have finally graduated from college and landed a great job, I'm not crazy about adulthood! Am I Crazy? - Wait don't answer that.

Oh LB did make me a romantic Birthday dinner and surprised me with Fruit Tart and an Orchid! The best part is since LB and I moved my Birthday to March as few years back I get a 2nd 26th Birthday on March 22nd. I think I will buy myself some pink balloons then!

Picture from here!


  1. Happy birthday month to you to! And yes, we must do dinner. Want to get together next week? I could do Wed or Thurs if you're up for it. I was just telling Lynn that the year I was roommates with you was the best birthday I ever had. The freedom to spoil ourselves was the greatest birthday present. By the way, 26 is a weird number. 25 is good. 26 is strange, but just wait until people start commenting on how close you're getting to 30 grrrrrr.

  2. Aaaaah!

    You're the first to lead us out of 25. How is it going so far?

    Happy Birthday m'dear!

  3. AMEN sista! i LOVE balloons, too! :D your hubby is so cute! It sounds like you had a fun day. and, i always knew were were meant to be twins, i'm glad you figured it out! :D hahah

  4. i would kill to be 26 again. enjoy it while it lasts.


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