One Month To Go...

The student load has gone through, the apartment has been rented and all the furniture has almost been sold. Now all I need is a job and to pack the Jetta!


On our recent trip to Virginia my most wonderful friend Chira let us stay with them for a whole 7 days - lets just say the girl is a Saint! I am pretty sure Chira and her husband Chris have fulfilled their service quota to the next year just by helping us with all of our moving drama!

Thank goodness for 8th grade Orchestra and being seated as "stand partners" - I really don't know what I would do with out this girl!

This is Caden, the coolest little boy in the world. He put up with us haling him all over DC for days on end, and was super excited for just about everything including Popsicles outside!

Caden's rap/thug face.

The New but Expensive Digs

So I am finally posting pictures of our soon to be apartment. This is what our one bedroom apartment in Arlington, VA will look like. And since we have sold all of our furniture and won't be able to afford to buy more this is pretty much exactly what it will look like.


Living room/Balcony





Dear Sweet Family from Detroit we met in DC,
Thank you so much for noticing us standing with our lunch trays frantically looking for a place to sit and waving us over to sit with you. And thank you for being forward and gutsy enough to come right out and ask us if we were Mormon, we knew you were thinking it when we said we were from SLC and your approach was refreshing. Eating lunch with you was one of the high lights of our very stressful trip!

Dear Cute Guy at Barns and Noble,
Thank you for steeping aside and holding the door for me even though you were with your very attractive girl friend and it would have been all to easy to just keep walking. Your mother raised you right!

Dear Nice Lady in our* Weight Loss Class,
Thank you Thank you Thank you for telling me my hair was cute - it is the one thing that I am majorly self conscious about. And Thank you Thank you Thank you for telling me I look like a ballerina!
*I was there helping a coworker

Dear Dude in the Black Pick Up Truck,
Why would you hang a giant plastic scrotum (aka - balls) from the hitch on your truck? Are you compensating for something? Because that is what we women think when we see that; this is just a guess but I am betting you don't have a girlfriend, but then maybe I'm wrong. After all nothing says: well educated, handsome, polite, all around good guy who happens to be great in bed like giant testicles on the hitch of a truck. I'm sure your mother is just so proud!
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