Still Alive

No worries LB and I are still alive. LB survived his first semester of Law School and we recently made it back from Portland, OR where we spent Christmas with my side of the family. On New Years day we ventured down town with our friends the Speers for some fun at The Natural History Museum and The National Christmas Tree. It was freezing - humidity and wind makes winter so much worse!

So I guess I am back to blogging now - that is if anyone is still reading.


  1. I saw this pic on Chira's blog and thought it was so cute. I'm glad you put it here so I could tell you. How is the east coast?

  2. I'm still reading. Do it for me, Steph :)

  3. Welcome back! Linsey and I are both happy to have you back.

  4. Hooray for posting and visiting Oregon!

  5. Yeah! She's back!! I missed your pearls of wisdom.

  6. Glad to see you are back:)How's Marsha?(sp?)

  7. Aunt Carole,
    Please continue the blogging. That is how I stay in touch with you folks.


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