My New Love...

I want/need THIS! It is the Nikon D80 (digital SLR) Camera and if I get it my life will be complete. Thanks to family an friends and their generous graduation gifts ($) I am more then halfway there in the terms of savings. However, I still have a ways to go and I am so in love with this camera that I have even considered gaining 10lbs so that I can donate blood/plasma to earn extra money. Does anyone know of somewhere where I can get a great second part time job that requires little effort and pays great? NO - thought I would ask.

Anyway I will keep you updated on the camera quest, and once I do purchase the beautiful baby there will be many more pictures on this here bolg of mine (I make no promises that the pictures will be any good).


  1. Teach ballet!!! Haha, I think it requires a little too much effort, but you can get payed pretty well if you look around.

  2. Is that one of those fancy shmancy cameras that you can take multiple pictures in one second and you don't have to wait for you camera to "think" before taking the next picture? Yeah, I want one of those too!

  3. Nathan wants one too. I actually gave him the d70 for Christmas a few years ago before we had kids and were both working full time. But he took it back because he was stressed about money. Good luck on your quest. They are pretty cool.


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