Yes Ma'am

Ok, so I am reading Cold Mountain (which I have not finished so don't ruin it) which has put me on a some what of a southern kick, thus I made fried chicken and it turned out ok for my first attempt.

The real reason for this post is to put up pictures of my new apron that Marsha (my mother) made me. I absolutely love my apron I come home from work and put it on just to pour cereal, I have very seriously considered wearing it work with a white t-shirt and jeans. I realize that this is a bad picture of me in the apron so I will take another and post it just to illustrate the cuteness of my fabulous apron. I am trying to convince my mom to make the aprons and sell them online!


  1. love the apron. love the hair!

  2. hahaha, the apron's awesome. By the way, I love how in one of your backpacking trip pictures, you are all bundled up and everyone else is wearing shorts.

  3. well, i would totally buy one if your mother started selling! it is adorable. and congrats on the fried chicken... try it with waffles sometime. it's what we've started eating non stop here in harlem. good ol soul food!

  4. Okay I saw the apron in the first picture and had to tell you that I am dying it is so freakin' cute!!!! It totally looks like a dress. Don't let Kiki see it we were going to make cute aprons while she was here but we ran out of time. She is going to be so jealous!!! I know I am!

    Way to be domestic!

  5. I love the apron, I want one! Tell your mom I'll buy one if she makes more!

  6. I must agree that the apron is awesome! I would buy one :)


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