It seems I have a thing for Tights!

Will you check these babies out - they are the CW-X Stabilyx Tight! Guaranteed to make you run further, feel thinner, hurt less and recover quickier - and I am pretty sure that I must have them. The only draw back (no, not the price) they do not have a back/butt pocket.

Since I have decided to get back into running, its cheaper then Prozac, I can completely justify spending money on another pair of running tights. This last Saturday I ran 4 miles with Deidre and we have plans to run a 11 mile race in June. However, right now I am kicking myself for not keeping up on the running after my second half marathon, all that work and I am back to where I started. Funny, I feel the same way about my career!

Happy St. Patrick's Day

Its corned beef, cabbage, and root beer for us tonight.
Hope you have a great St. Patty's Day!

Easter Dress

Did you get a Easter Dress (or outfit) every year as a little kid? I did, my mother would always take me shopping a few weeks before Easter and "let" me pick out a new dress - and by "let" I mean she picked it out! You see I always wanted the dresses that come with the little white hat and well I guess Marsha thought the white hat style was tacky - however, once she let me get gloves, I was in heaven - I must of looked like a little southern bell.

Anyway, my point - I want an Easter Dress this year! However, I don't know that I can justify the purchase. One must hold up tradition though, right?
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