It seems I have a thing for Tights!

Will you check these babies out - they are the CW-X Stabilyx Tight! Guaranteed to make you run further, feel thinner, hurt less and recover quickier - and I am pretty sure that I must have them. The only draw back (no, not the price) they do not have a back/butt pocket.

Since I have decided to get back into running, its cheaper then Prozac, I can completely justify spending money on another pair of running tights. This last Saturday I ran 4 miles with Deidre and we have plans to run a 11 mile race in June. However, right now I am kicking myself for not keeping up on the running after my second half marathon, all that work and I am back to where I started. Funny, I feel the same way about my career!


  1. I love them, you should definitely buy them!

  2. I just bought some new shoes and I'm pretty sure I need to buy some of those tights too! Ha ha! It felt so good to run on Saturday, it definitely is my "prozac"!! Thanks so much for motivating me!

  3. Those are pretty hot. You'd look awesome sexy


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