What we have been up to...

It has been on busy summer with LB working as well as interning and me teaching ballet. However, here are a few pictures of what we have been up to. 

 One Friday we headed down to the National Museum of Art to the Chester Dale exhibit. We are trying to be more Artsy Fartsy, well not really but rather more culturally enriched. We are also trying to master the self photo - apparently we are still learning.

I learned that the only way to survive a DC Summer with Mormon underwear is to invest in some great skirts and t-shirts. Above is my summer uniform - I now own in it just about every color combination.

On the 4th we had a BBQ with friends from Church and watched the National Fireworks from our friend's balcony. My camera does not do the  fireworks justice.


On July 5th we braved the heat and checked out the National FolkLife Festival. This year there was food demos, performances, and booths from Mexico, South America, and Thailand. The food was amazing and if I had not been so hungry I would have pulled out the camera to take a picture. 

Dancers from Mexico do the "hip shoulder wiggle" dance (at least that is how they described it)

1 comment:

  1. You are definitely inspiring me with the apartment gardening. I was trying to use the " I will wait until we have a yard," excuse!
    What amazing opportunities you are getting to have over there.
    Where are you teaching ballet? How's it going?
    I think I need to adopt your uniform here in AZ. I just stay inside.


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