Back at the Ranch

I took a little trip back to the west to hang out with my mom and visit with Bob and Gwen (my grandparents). Here is a little recap of my trip...

Got off the plane and went right to Cafe Rio - oh how I have missed Cafe Rio!
(word on the street is Cafe Rio is coming to VA)

Played Pinochle (aka greatest card game ever) with the fam.


No trip to Swan Lake, Idaho is complete with out a trip to Preston and breakfast at Tattles!

The scones at Tattles are by far the best - we had two!

Stopped in Preston at Kings - which happens to have the best candy aisle - I also bought a hat because I can't resist a good hat especially for $8!

Mom, Grams and I stopped at the gas station for loto cards - 
unfortunately we did not win big!

View from Whitney Idaho - Idaho Trivia: Which LDS prophet is from Whitney ID?

I had a great time - I love love love Swan Lake Idaho. It's a good thing I love my husband or I would have just stayed!


  1. Looks like you had a fun trip, I should know the prophet trivia, I'm going to say Pres Kimball. Its a half guess, half I've been told it a hundred times I should know but don't ;)

  2. Pres. Benson? Where is Whitney, relation to Rexburg?? I only know South Eastern Idaho (Rexburg, Idaho Falls, Pocatello, Madrid, you know..those great places).

    It looks like a cute town! I love Idaho!

  3. Swan Lake is pretty much the best place on earth. Wish we could have come up to see you for breakfast that morning. I miss seeing you! Glad you had a great time.

  4. That's looks like a fun trip. I'm glad you got to spend time with your Fam!

  5. nice life ..keep it up


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