In With The New!

2010 was not my best year, not by a long shot! So in the hopes of making this next trip around the sun a more positive one I decided I needed a few New Year Resolutions and they are as follows:

#1 - Stop criticizing my husbands driving
#2 - Exercise regularly
#3 - Make healthy food & stop eating out so much
#4 - Work on improving my so called "hobbies" mainly sewing and photography
#5 - Find a direction for my life
#6 - Less TV more books
#7 - Get up, dress up, and show up

Resolution #7 Explanation: After spending a large chunk of last year in a very deep depression and struggling to even get myself out of bed let alone dressed I decided I need to make it a requirement that I get up, dress up and show up for life every day. I started this little edict this week and have made LB take pictures of me each day which are posted below. Now, please understand that I am not posting these pictures to show off new cloths or because I think I look oh so fabulous. I am posting them because clawing ones self out of depression is not an overnight process, I still have my bad days but I find that if I get up and make my self look decent I have a better day and a fighting chance. The pictures are merely a way to keep me committed.
(Also, on a side note I am not wearing the same pair of pants in nearly every picture as it appears, but rather 4 different pairs - promise!)







**As for Tuesday, well LB and I  both got one mean case of food poisoning - which is not something one photographs nor talks about in civilized society. 


  1. Whatever! you're SO hot!! Can you come help me get dressed/pick out clothes?! I'm IN LOVE with your hair! Makes me want bangs, too! ( I love your resolutions!!!) xoxo

  2. Way to rock those boots, girl :)

  3. You are AWESOME, Steph. I'm recovering from depression, too, and can totally relate. You're an inspiration, my dear. Thank you for sharing your gorgeous pics!

  4. Thanks for sharing everything I hope that things continue to getter better and better for you this year, life can be really hard on us sometimes! You look beautiful by the way.

  5. You look adorable Steph! I agree with the other comments, can you pick out my clothes too?

  6. Stephi!!

    I'm so sorry you've been having a rough time. You're one of my favorite people of all time. You're spunky and beautiful and full of life and amazing! I thought of you all January and missed you tremendously. Sending you lots of love babe!


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