Up and Dressed...

First I want to thank everyone for your kind words of encouragement and those that shared your own experiences of dealing with depression! I can not tell you how much your words meant to me - it is comforting to know your not the only one going though something and depression has a way of making one feel very alone and isolated, so Thank You!!

I have decided to start a little series titled "Up and Dressed..." where I will continue to post pictures of my efforts to get up, dress up, and show up for life (my new year resolution #7). Please note I dress up for myself and my self alone - well maybe a little bit for LB but 99.5% for me!

Please excuse the poor quality of the photos, the lighting in our cozy apartment is absolutely terrible and we are far from the best photographers!


  1. You are such a cute girl. I think I need you to rub off on me, I need to get "up and dressed" a lot more often than I do.

  2. You always dress so well. It makes me want to blow my budget and go out and get some new stuff so I can get all dressed up nice like you. Already in February, so it seems like you're doing well with your goals! Hooray!

  3. I love the outfit with the scarf - so cute!

  4. I'm sorry to hear that you were struggling so much. Hope you are doing better. I love your outfits and your hair is darling! I need to take style lessons from you. :) take care!


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