What should I Read?

For my birthday my parents sent me this little beauty (it's a kindle e-reader) and I absolutely love it. But now I need some book recommendations. So please tell me what should I read?

Also for my birthday my sweet husband took me to a ballet at the Kennedy Center, and kept his mouth shut as I shopped all month long, but now I am just bragging so I  will stop - but turning  28 hurts and retail therapy helps!


  1. Okay, so I just finished a great book called Birth Marked. Really enjoyed it and now I am reading an awesome book that I think you'll enjoy called "The Help" by Kathryn Stockett. It is about 3 women (two black, and one white) in the South in the 1960's. I am only 150 pages into it and I love it, and my Mom read it for her book club and everyone said that they felt like better people for reading it. I would highly recommend it!

  2. You should read Eyre Affair by Jasper Fforde. He is one of my favorite authors that always makes me laugh.

  3. um, the Help is AMAZING! Anything by Phillipa White you would love; "the Duchess: the diary of sarah churchill" is awesome. I'm reading "the girl in hyachinth blue" right now-love! I read it a long time ago, and totally don't remember it! Um...my mom just read all the Ann of Avenlea books on her nook (I've never read them! horrors!) haha! hope it helps! :D xoxo

  4. oh, and PLEASE tell me you've read 'The Guernsey literary and potato peel pie society?" it is THE BEST book ever, even with it's quarky title! and my other life time favorite is "These is my Words" --but I think you've read it before, but I have to suggest it in case you haven't! :D

  5. Read "the immortal life of henrietta lacks". i just started it and i'm already hooked. both my sisters loved it.

  6. little women for sure


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