
Sometimes I really miss having a normal job, you know the whole office, 8 to 5, benefits, real health insurance thing.  But then there are other days when I don't! To be honest it is sometimes nice that I don't have to get up till 9 am, that I can sport the same hair-do to the gym and then to work, that I can go the whole day without wearing a bra (TMI?), and that I get paid to be bossy.

So are you now thinking of becoming a ballet teacher? Well it will only take you about 10 years of training and performing experience. You know who else goes to school and trains that long? Doctors and Scientists with PhDs - and they make a lot more money!


  1. Plus you are so good at it! - Being a ballerina that is - Not being bossy :-)

  2. let's face it... ballerinas are generally a billion times cuter than doctors :D And i think Debbie is wrong, you're good at being bossy! It's muy bueno!

  3. This totally made me laugh. After that many years you should be able to get a PhD in...ballerinaing. You earned it!


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