-for the men and women who have fought and died to protect my freedoms
-for a day off and a chance to ware jeans and a t-shirt
-that I can change the head lights in my own car
-that I know how to knit
-that parents/grandparents taught me the meaning of the word "work"
-for home-made quilts by mom
-for sweet unexpected emails from friends that remind you that your loved
-for herbal tea, hot water bottles, sweat pants, and a good movie
-for friends that let you sweep their leaves
-that I married the smart boy
-for Preston, ID, pizza, and family the day after Thanksgiving
-that I no longer ware point shoes
-for my ipod
-for this
hymn, its my favorite, oh and this
one too
-for my cameras
-that I have a mind and the ability to question, doubt, reason, and gain a knowledge of things for myself
-for my way cool brothers who I am so proud of
-for my great grandmothers chair
-that new adventures await LB and I next year
-for my church calling at Primary Children's Medical Center that has forced me to re-examine what I know and given me the opportunity to associate with heroes and angles
-that I am married to a man who gets me, respects me, and thinks I'm amazing! (oh and did I mention he's smart?)