Law School Up Date

* I forgot LB also applied to the University of Chicago and for Chira's sake I have listed the city the schools are in.

We are now one step closer to getting out of Utah! This week LB finished and submitted all of his Law School applications. So where all did he apply? Here is "The List" in no particular order:

  • Columbia University - NYC
  • NYU - NYC
  • Cardozo School of Law - NYC
  • Cornell Law School - Ithaca, NY
  • Georgetown University - Wash D.C.
  • George Washington University - Wash D.C.
  • UCLA - Los Angeles, CA
  • UC Berkeley - Berkeley, CA
  • Stanford Law School - Palo Alto, CA
  • University of Pennsylvania - Philadelphia, PA
  • University of Michigan - Ann Arbor, MI
  • Northwestern University - Chicago, IL
  • University of Washington - Seattle, WA
  • University of Chicago - Chicago, IL

We won't hear back from schools till sometime next year so our future is still up in the air (which is driving me crazy because I need a PLAN) but stay tuned because things are going to get exciting around here!


  1. WTH? Law school? Man we spent 2 years so all up in each others business that I don't even know who you are or what is going on anymore! I feel bad we never connected for lunch... and I know it is my fault. I'll blame it on preggo flakiness. BUT we still need to get together.... can you give me your number again? Mine is 801-473-7922, you can just text me yours or something! I REALLY miss ya!

  2. Wait a minute... none are in NC. :)

    Good luck with that. I hate the not having a plan part of it all. So not cool.

    Then, I got to the, too many possible plans. That wasn't cool either.

    Then, it was the, did I choose the right plan.... sigh.

    hmmm...Sorry, hopefully that's not depressing! It is an exciting time, though. That's for sure.

    Best of luck!

  3. George town, george town George town! lol!!! ok, or something in NY. Even Philly is close, wait, that's Penn state--We'll route for those! :D oh and our friend went to Michigan state! :D

  4. ok and GW university!'s like right down town (i had to wikipedia it! :D]

  5. That's so exciting! If you guys move to Cali I'll be jealous

  6. Congrats on the win!
    Be kind to LB. :)

  7. That's exciting to have the applications all done and turned in. What a relief to have that done. We look forward to hearing back too!

  8. what a great list! i really really really hope you get one of the nyc schools! how cool would it be if you guys moved out here! are you really considering it??? so fun.

    you'd love it too, p.s. nyc is amazing. (or anywhere out east, really.)

    have a happy new year!!!



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