Our New Hood

900 N Randolph St., Arlington (Ballston Neighborhood) Virginia

As of August 21st this will be home - looks ghetto right?


  1. Looks pretty rough but I think you'll live :)

  2. Sad and happy, all at the same time! I'm glad you found a place! How's the job hunting??

  3. That video's hilarious by the way. I hope you can sleep at night amidst all the gunfire.

  4. FYI:


    If the link doesn't work, it shows that we're about 5.5 hours away. There has to be somewhere in the middle to meet and have fun. :)

    Let me know if you need anything. I still haven't found a job, so as of today, I'm available.

  5. Thoma Lee & Ron OlsenJune 28, 2009 at 1:00 AM

    That is the funniest video - you make me laugh! Can't wait to see you & your mom SOON!

  6. that is great you've found a place! arlington is nicknamed little provo! all the mormons live there. we're on capitol hill but it's still close so hopefully we will see you and i can meet your husband!

    let us know if you need help moving!


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