Manti Pagent...

(I wrote this a while ago and I was waiting to post it till I added pictures but I am lazy so no pictures yet)

A weekend or so ago we took a little trip to Sanpete county to the famous "Mormon Miracle Pageant" aka: The Manti Pageant. My husbands sister, her husband and their 4 year old daughter Brooklyn went as well and we had quite the interesting time. First of all we were not suppose to me at the Manti Pageant we were suppose to be in Wendover playing Texas Holdem' but Eric forgot to get the day off so Manti was the next best option (which I was okay with me because after the planning of the trip I started to feel guilty...I always feel guilty for everything...all the is really annoying, my guilt mechanism may be messed up). So back to Manti, this was my first trip to Manti, I had never see the temple before and I had never seen the pageant before. I know what your thinking,"how can you be LDS in Utah and never go to the Manti Pageant?", well my dad is Catholic and my youth group rocked so we did such activities as jet skiing and white water rafting; oh and I was a ballerina so I spent an exponential amount of time in tights in front of a mirror telling myself I was fat and being neurotic, so I must have missed the Manti trip, but I have see the Hill Camora Pageant, so there!

So on the way there Brooklyn kept getting "Manti" and "ipod" mixed up and kept asking when were going to get to the ipod, which on hind site if we could of gone to see a giant ipod it would have made for a much better trip!

So we get to the pageant, (which is performed right in front of them Manti Temple, which happens to be absolutely gorgeous, and breathtaking, and magnificent, and splendid, and all the other adjectives that I can not come up with) and of course there are protesters, there are always protesters, they make me laugh I think they sort of go along with the ambiance. So we find seats and I was smart enough to bring my fabulous new camera and 4 year olds make for great models so I was in heaven. I also found out that 4 year olds love digital cameras and because my little beauty of a camera has "health insurance" Brooklyn (the 4 year old) spent about a hour snapping pictures on anything and everything. Anyway so this is the conversation that Brooklyn and I had prior to the start of the pageant...

Brooklyn(aka - Boo): So what kind of story is this?

Aunt Steph: Its a church story.

Boo: Those are the boringist kind! (at the same time covering her face with one hand and shaking her head)

-Like any good aunt I just laughed, but then again so did her mother.

To make a long story short, the Manti Pageant is cheesy! However, at the end when they finally get to the Sanpete County part and the guy dies (if your LDS/or been subjected to a trip to Manti you know what I am talking about) the cheese factor hit an all time high and Eric, his sister Tiny, and I could not contain our laughter any longer and we broke into hysterics; all the while the majority of the audience were in tears. Yep, that's right folks we went to the Manti pageant, played poker (Texas Holdem') before it started and broke into hysterics at the end....I know what your thinking "Heathens" and I am ok with that. Besides I don't think they take away your temple recommend for finding the Manti pageant cheesy and funny, however I could be wrong!

**Pictures and more updates to follow



1. WalMart: I went to WalMart today, I hate WalMart! Every time I go there I walk out asking myself "Why do I shop here?" and wondering if I have contracted anything scary like Hep B. It seems like every time I go there it takes forever to check out and just as your getting up to the register the person in front of you has some issue and the checker flips on the flashing number light and then precedes to just stand there. At this point I change lines and begin the process over again (I always pick the wrong line).

2. Car: My car is getting on my nerves! It is a Piece of Crap and I would not be surprised if it burst into flames one day and to top it off I look like the biggest idiot driving it. For example: while I am driving down the road the car gets confused that the front door is closed and it thinks the door is open so the lights come on and a beeping starts; then the turn signal gets confused and won't stop clicking, the sun roof then gets mixed up and starts opening and closing all on its own accord. So while I am driving down the road my car is clicking, beeping, while the lights are on and the sun roof is opening and closing. gets worse, after I get out of the car, lock it and begin to walk away the car alarm goes off at which point I curse violently and run back to my car hanging my head in shame.

3. Bugged: Pouting, insecure people are starting to piss me off, especially in the work place. Come on...its time to put on your big girl pants and deal!

Happy Thoughts...

1. I can touch my toes again, thanks to yoga and going to the gym every day for 3 weeks.
2. We are going backpacking soon...but not soon enough.
3. I love love love my new camera.
4. The Farmers market is now open.
5. I passed my CHES test and I am now officially employable.

3 Years and Going Stong!

Can I just say I married the right person! Eric and I have now been married for 3 years and I think we are starting to get the hang of this whole marriage thing. Marrying Eric was the best thing I have ever done and he is my greatest blessing and best friend. Thank heaven for bind dates!


On Saturday the "KIDS" got together for a BBQ and to watch the Art City Days fireworks! It was so wonderful to see my old friends from high school! I love the fact that we are all still friends, not a lot of people can say they are still friends with the people they were in high school and I am so grateful that I can call such great people friends! The two handsome little boys are Missy's sons, Dylan and Dawson.

Red Wagons & Balloons

Yesterday as I was taking laundry to the dryer (which involves going outside) I came down my steps and found the little neighbor boy, Carson, sitting in a red wagon, holding a green balloon while coloring in a coloring book. This random little scene made my day and made me want children that much more. Plus it started me wondering whatever happened to my red wagon and can you still buy Radio Flyer wagons or have the been taken off the market like every thing else cool from childhood.

Then I thought "Would it be slightly ridiculous if I bought my unconceived/unborn children a red wagon now?" (No I am not pregnant or do I plan to become so any time soon!)

ON A SIDE NOTE: Unfortunately I did not have my camera, who would have thought that I would need it while doing laundry, and Carson moved before I could run back up stairs. This little boy is by far my favorite in the neighborhood, he is 4, he always has a story to tell, and I always find him doing the funniest things, probably because his parents are so cool!

A Lesson In Bovine Reproduction

**Warning: If you are easily offended by the proper names for reproductive organs don't read this. However, if you have any relation to the Hadley family, specifically Robert Hadley (my grandfather) this little story should give you a good little chuckle...

The other weekend while visiting my grandparents in Swan Lake, Idaho, Eric and I (more Eric than I) pruned their bushes. In the process of hauling away the debris this is the conversation or should I say the lesson that transpired in the cab of the pick up truck (Eric was not present for this lesson).

Grandpa (Bob): See that bull over there? (A bull is a male cow, in case you did not know)
Steph: Yeah
Grandpa: He has a broken penis!
*moment of silence*
Steph: Um...what do you do with a bull with a broken penis?
Grandpa: Oh...not a whole lot.

-At this point in time my grandfather went on to explain how a bull breaks its penis, how such an injury can be life threatening, and how the monetary ($$) worth of the bull is cut in half by such an injury though I will spare you the details.

I know this whole conversation should have shocked me but it didn't I just found it funny and then thought "hey I should blog that". My grandpa is the pragmatic/matter of fact type, he is a smart man who for over 80 years has ate (literally), slept, and breathed ranching and simply took the moment at hand to impart some of his knowledge and wisdom to his granddaughter.

On a Side Note: After finishing our chore I jumped out of the truck and turned to my husband Eric (who unfortunately missed the whole conversation) and said "do you see that bull over there, it has a broken penis". Eric gave me the look of "where did that come from" and uttered a simple "oh".

So there you have it folks...Anyone else have a funny story or lesson imparted to them by a favorite grandparent?

Oh and the picture is not of a bull!
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