A Lesson In Bovine Reproduction

**Warning: If you are easily offended by the proper names for reproductive organs don't read this. However, if you have any relation to the Hadley family, specifically Robert Hadley (my grandfather) this little story should give you a good little chuckle...

The other weekend while visiting my grandparents in Swan Lake, Idaho, Eric and I (more Eric than I) pruned their bushes. In the process of hauling away the debris this is the conversation or should I say the lesson that transpired in the cab of the pick up truck (Eric was not present for this lesson).

Grandpa (Bob): See that bull over there? (A bull is a male cow, in case you did not know)
Steph: Yeah
Grandpa: He has a broken penis!
*moment of silence*
Steph: Um...what do you do with a bull with a broken penis?
Grandpa: Oh...not a whole lot.

-At this point in time my grandfather went on to explain how a bull breaks its penis, how such an injury can be life threatening, and how the monetary ($$) worth of the bull is cut in half by such an injury though I will spare you the details.

I know this whole conversation should have shocked me but it didn't I just found it funny and then thought "hey I should blog that". My grandpa is the pragmatic/matter of fact type, he is a smart man who for over 80 years has ate (literally), slept, and breathed ranching and simply took the moment at hand to impart some of his knowledge and wisdom to his granddaughter.

On a Side Note: After finishing our chore I jumped out of the truck and turned to my husband Eric (who unfortunately missed the whole conversation) and said "do you see that bull over there, it has a broken penis". Eric gave me the look of "where did that come from" and uttered a simple "oh".

So there you have it folks...Anyone else have a funny story or lesson imparted to them by a favorite grandparent?

Oh and the picture is not of a bull!


  1. AHAHAHA! Steph, that's hilarious! That's a story Fathead would definitely appreciate.

  2. I love it! Oh my gosh that is too funny! I'm going to tell Matty!


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