Yesterday as I was taking laundry to the dryer (which involves going outside) I came down my steps and found the little neighbor boy, Carson, sitting in a red wagon, holding a green balloon while coloring in a coloring book. This random little scene made my day and made me want children that much more. Plus it started me wondering whatever happened to my red wagon and can you still buy Radio Flyer wagons or have the been taken off the market like every thing else cool from childhood.
Then I thought "Would it be slightly ridiculous if I bought my unconceived/unborn children a red wagon now?" (No I am not pregnant or do I plan to become so any time soon!)
ON A SIDE NOTE: Unfortunately I did not have my camera, who would have thought that I would need it while doing laundry, and Carson moved before I could run back up stairs. This little boy is by far my favorite in the neighborhood, he is 4, he always has a story to tell, and I always find him doing the funniest things, probably because his parents are so cool!
That's cute and yes, i do think you can still buy those wagons. With talk like that, Steph, it won't be long now. Somebody is baby hungry :)