

1. WalMart: I went to WalMart today, I hate WalMart! Every time I go there I walk out asking myself "Why do I shop here?" and wondering if I have contracted anything scary like Hep B. It seems like every time I go there it takes forever to check out and just as your getting up to the register the person in front of you has some issue and the checker flips on the flashing number light and then precedes to just stand there. At this point I change lines and begin the process over again (I always pick the wrong line).

2. Car: My car is getting on my nerves! It is a Piece of Crap and I would not be surprised if it burst into flames one day and to top it off I look like the biggest idiot driving it. For example: while I am driving down the road the car gets confused that the front door is closed and it thinks the door is open so the lights come on and a beeping starts; then the turn signal gets confused and won't stop clicking, the sun roof then gets mixed up and starts opening and closing all on its own accord. So while I am driving down the road my car is clicking, beeping, while the lights are on and the sun roof is opening and closing. gets worse, after I get out of the car, lock it and begin to walk away the car alarm goes off at which point I curse violently and run back to my car hanging my head in shame.

3. Bugged: Pouting, insecure people are starting to piss me off, especially in the work place. Come on...its time to put on your big girl pants and deal!

Happy Thoughts...

1. I can touch my toes again, thanks to yoga and going to the gym every day for 3 weeks.
2. We are going backpacking soon...but not soon enough.
3. I love love love my new camera.
4. The Farmers market is now open.
5. I passed my CHES test and I am now officially employable.


  1. I'm totally with you on Wal-Mart. Jason loves it and I just don't get it.

  2. You are so hilarious Steph! We hate Wal-Mart too! Every time we go there the exact scenario happens to us. It's the most annoying thing on the planet!


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