a monumental day of sorts...

Its a monumental day of sorts - 5 years ago today LB and I had our fist date, a blind date that is. A girl at work offered to set me up with her brother, she said he played the guitar (which was not really true), that he was going to be an engineer, and not going to BYU-so I thought "hey,why not - free dinner" plus nearly every friend I had was on their honeymoon. So we went to dinner with Kristina (LBs sister) & and her husband Todd and then played putt putt golf. LB was smitten from the get go and could hardly wait 2 days to call me again - after he call and asked for a 2nd date I screamed and then tackled my roommate out of excitement. After that shall we say the rest is just history.


  1. Thats a cute story! I'm excited for your trip to Washington DC mostly because I'm not the one who has to look for a job or an apartment, but what a fun adventure. One day you'll be in your 40's telling some new couple in your ward that it wasn't really that hard-looking back of course!

  2. I wasn't on a honeymoon. I was in tracting in Bradenton, FL. :)

    BUT, more importantly, I'm so happy you an LB found each other.

  3. Oh steph, I love it.

  4. aww...so cute!! :D ps, it's been like 2 weeks since I've talked to you...how are you holding up? pps..i'm totally diggen your sweatshirt in your pic!! :D

  5. Congratulations on graduation. Thats way cool. Good luck with the big move.
    Grant & Janet


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