Is it time for drugs yet?

So I am beginning to think that this whole moving thing is going to kill me or at least cause me to lose my mind. Today we bought 2 airplane tickets for Washington, DC in June so that we can find an apartment and hopefully a job. I guess I need to get it in my head that this move is going to happen no matter how much I kick and scream (or rather stress and cry). LB gave me permission to "fall apart a little bit" but I feel like I am totally coming unglued - really I think I am about ready for medication! All I can say it thank heaven for this girl! We met in 8th grade orchestra, fought over the same weird guy for years, and have been great friends ever since. Lucky for me Chira and her sweet husband live right outside of DC and have gone out of their way to help us out. However, after letting us come and stay for a week she may disown me!


  1. Moving is a huge deal!! I understand how you feel. Hey let me know when you guys are coming out. I'll be in Utah for 2 weeks in June, but if you need anything just let me know. Again, I'm so excited for you guys to move out here! Now we just need Brit to join us and your life will be complete!

  2. oh, babe, how could I disown you? remember how you went on a date with the dreaded andy with out telling me? that was way worse! hahahahahaha jk! so long ago...that reminds me...I'm going to line the guest room with pictures of us, so Eric can see who you really were in hs...jk! :D LOVE YOU!!

  3. If you have drugs send them my way. I am on the verge of tears all the time as well. Good luck with everything!!


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