
Sometimes while grocery shopping I have an overwhelming desire to run up to fellow shoppers and inform them that the processed sugar cookies they just picked up are "bad" for them - and if they want sugar cookies they should make them at home because while still not the best choice they are infinitely healthier then the giant pink ones wrapped in cellophane! I also want to tell them a lot of other things regarding fruits and veggies, weight loss, and health . I don't though, mostly because they would think I am nuts, but all so because LB has informed me that I am not to give unsolicited advice to strangers as they would find it rude.

So I am sorry fellow shoppers that you are not able to benefit from my health educator skills, my heart really is in the right place - my husband just gets embarrassed easily (try telling him he is smart and see how many colors his face turns - its funny)!

Reason #1 I am not ready to be a Mom

#1 Extreme lack of housekeeping skills.

Case and point: LB found the salt shaker in the sofa today, that's right, I said the SOFA! The sad part I did not even know it was missing.

An Orange Sofa

So I am seriously considering purchasing this Sofa from Urban Outfitters. Why? First, have you seen my sofa - it was FREE and I am pretty sure that was because DI would not take it. Second, we are moving (to where I don't know yet...grrrrr) but when we do move our new apartment promises to be less then 500 square feet, which believe it or not is much smaller then our current cinder block bomb shelter. And Third, this new sofa pulls out and we could watch movies on it and out of town visitors could stay, well only select out of town visitors who are very small could stay. Tell me what you think?

I did it... or I'm going to!

I did it! Last night I (and LB) registered for the for the Salt Lake Half Marathon! That is 13.1 miles for those of you who don't know. And before you inform me that I am totally crazy - I Know! So on April 18th me and thousands of other nuts will be running our butts off through the streets of SLC.

Needless to say I am scared - I just hope to finish so I don't have to be picked up in the loser van!

Love This!

Hahaha... thought this website was so funny and oh so true!


It has come to my attention that my blog is in need of a new name (and a new design for that matter ...oh and maybe a new author) and I am lacking creativity so please HELP. I know you have lots of creative juices out there and I need some suggestions to get mine going. I asked LB for ideas and he suggested "Eric's Wife" and "That's What She Said" needless to say I am scratching the bottom of the barrel here. Let me know what you think!

A 2nd Note to Parents

Just so you know it is so not okay to take your 5 poorly disciplined children under the age of 6 out in public and then proceed to allow them to run around like little devils. But then to stand in the way for 5 minuets and scream for them to stop and follow you was just poor form. In fact if it were up to me you would not be allowed to have 5 children under the age of 6 but that is another issue for a different time! Can we say birth control people?
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