An Orange Sofa

So I am seriously considering purchasing this Sofa from Urban Outfitters. Why? First, have you seen my sofa - it was FREE and I am pretty sure that was because DI would not take it. Second, we are moving (to where I don't know yet...grrrrr) but when we do move our new apartment promises to be less then 500 square feet, which believe it or not is much smaller then our current cinder block bomb shelter. And Third, this new sofa pulls out and we could watch movies on it and out of town visitors could stay, well only select out of town visitors who are very small could stay. Tell me what you think?


  1. I love it, but I love most things from Urban anyway. Definitely a practical pick.

  2. I like it,
    Especially because it's orange. Is it comfy? Do you know where you're moving?


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