I did it... or I'm going to!

I did it! Last night I (and LB) registered for the for the Salt Lake Half Marathon! That is 13.1 miles for those of you who don't know. And before you inform me that I am totally crazy - I Know! So on April 18th me and thousands of other nuts will be running our butts off through the streets of SLC.

Needless to say I am scared - I just hope to finish so I don't have to be picked up in the loser van!


  1. You will do awesome! Good luck!!!

  2. Way awesome. It's only 16 miles to our house from yours. You could just add a couple on to the half marathon and run out to see us :)

  3. you're amazing! Come out here and kick my butt in gear so I can get this flab off my bum!!! I love that you and your hub are running together! you guys are so cute!--or crazy. either one works, i think! :D

  4. Go you. I didn't realize you were such a runner. And that is awesome that you are doing it together. You are inspirational, I die after running for two minutes....someday...or not;)

  5. good luck with the marathon!

    and seriously? you might be in DC in august? really???? that would be fun! let me knw!!!


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