Reason #1 I am not ready to be a Mom

#1 Extreme lack of housekeeping skills.

Case and point: LB found the salt shaker in the sofa today, that's right, I said the SOFA! The sad part I did not even know it was missing.


  1. Thoma Lee & Ron OlsenMarch 22, 2009 at 12:40 AM

    So where is the Pepper?

  2. Honestly, we hardly use our salt shaker. Although, I am not sure how it ends up in the sofa, ours could go missing and I wouldn't realize it until I have friends over for dinner and go to put it on the table. Maybe Eric has a secret love for salt and was eating it on the couch one day when you came home. He had to hide it quickly to keep the secret. :) JK Eric

  3. Silly girl. When the time is right for you you're going to be a wonderful Mom. As long as you don't lose the baby in the sofa :)


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