
It has come to my attention that my blog is in need of a new name (and a new design for that matter ...oh and maybe a new author) and I am lacking creativity so please HELP. I know you have lots of creative juices out there and I need some suggestions to get mine going. I asked LB for ideas and he suggested "Eric's Wife" and "That's What She Said" needless to say I am scratching the bottom of the barrel here. Let me know what you think!


  1. call it 'telling like it is' or 'you may be shocked, but i don't care' or 'stephanie, uncut'. hahah, i love your honesty.

  2. i love "that's what she said" ha ha hilarious!

  3. oh and cutest blog on the block has CUTE layouts and they're free and easy! :D

  4. I love "that's what she said" ...I love the Office. Hope you are doing well. Jess


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