Moving = Fear!

So I should be working on my Resume - but I'm not. Why? Because I am scared - I mean not able to eat, drop 7 lbs, terrified! The thought of having to find a job in Washington DC where everyone has a masters degree, 4+ years experience , and graduated from an ivy league school is so overwhelming. I am prepared for rejection, I even expect it, and as much as I want to continue in the health promotion field I would be ok with being a secretary (well maybe)! Needless to say when we moved to SLC I had a job (Honey Baked Ham) and an Apartment and I still lost weight and could not sleep for 2 months - moving clear across the county just might kill me. But LB is sure excited!


  1. Don't worry, for the worry weight will just come right back. ha ha. Well, it will, but I know you're not worried about it.

    I definitely suffered from the move - it stressed me out a lot more than I like to admit.

    Hmm...I don't know if that's helping you. So I'll end with these words, You're not alone in your worries. :)

    And tell all those masters degrees + people to get a life! for there is much more to life, than school. ;)

  2. I think I'm going to have to come smack you, then hold your hand and help you! :D lol. It just SEEMS daunting, and that everyone is ubersmart, but they're not! You'll love it here. And, being a secretary rocked! lol...hahahahaha working for fat drunk men was the best year of my life! :D jk [seriously, kidding!]


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