Thank you for the FYIs!

(Note: to understand this post please read the first comment found under the post "Sometimes...")

I am so grateful for your comments Jenny! All this time I have been laboring under the delusion that “Angry Bitch” was so in, but now thanks to you I can get with the times! What would fashion backward people like me do without helpful people like you, Jenny, to steer them in the right direction. Now that you have awakened me to my non-vogue ways, maybe you can help me find a new niche: tongue-in-cheek satire sounds fun, unless that is out of date too?

I must also thank you for your helpful insight about my parenting opinions. All this time I thought that all one needed in order to have a valid opinion was good observations of facts, and sound logic to integrate them, but now I know I was sorely mistaken. Apparently you can't opine about parents unless you are one. You will have to forgive my ignorance though. You see, being a non-parent, I have never gone through the miraculous transformation that endows one with perfect parenting knowledge upon receipt of a child, so how was I to know I was so lacking? Thanks to you though, now I do. I will never again question what any parent does, now that I know they are infallible, and I ask forgiveness for presuming to know anything about the subject.

I wonder though, does the same maxim (that only people in a group can have valid opinions about that group) apply to other fields too, or just parenting? If it does that would mean that there are lots of things I have opinions about that I probably shouldn't, because I am not “in” the appropriate group. You'll have to let me know so I can fix it.

P.S. I'm so flattered, I had no idea so many people were reading my blog.


  1. Why have a blog if you can't say what you think? Opinions are what make people interesting. At least I find opinionated people interesting. And if someone doesn't agree, they can choose not to read or listen. And really, how is calling someone an angry bitch constructive? I love that you don't take crap from anyone!

  2. I saw that comment, and I was wondering if it was someone just joking with you or if she was serious... why are people so LAME?

  3. ps. the above comment was from Cassidy, I just realized I am signed in as my sister-in-law!

  4. Your welcome!

    It always feels good receiving mean-spirited, judgmental advice from complete strangers.

    People will certainly be better off with all of yours.

    You're as entitled to your opinions as I am to mine, of course. I simply believe parenting is one of those things that nobody can really understand until you are one.

    Perhaps I cannot fully empathize and understand what being an angry b---- is like either until I've walked a mile in your shoes.

    But if you're right, and I can have well-rounded, insightful opinions simply from observing, you really ought to consider birth control for the rest of your pre-menopausal life.

  5. This post has been removed by the author.

  6. steph, when people comment anonymously or don't let their name take you to their profile page and then onward to their blog is my favorite part about these people. it truly says so much.

    and i've never understood why people like to be bullies on blogs. what good comes of it?

    also, just got your comment! so excited you guys are heading out here! congrats on georgetown law! we'll have to get together once you're here!



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