The Coolest Gift Ever!!

Before I left Utah my Mothers best friend ThomaLee gave me the most wonderful gift! A "Stephanie" inspired quilt. ThomaLee and my Mom found these very clever retro styled dish towels in a little shop in Washington and ThomaLee just knew they would make the perfect quilt for me. The quilt is absolutely amazing and was supposedly a two year project. When they gave me the quilt ThomLee told me I had to use it but I fell completely in love with it and had to hang it on the wall. So here it is, I wish you could see it up close the pictures hardly do it justice.

"You say I'm a witch like it's a bad thing"
(The B has been covered up with a W so that future little eyes won't get ideas)

I will treasure this quilt forever - I love you ThomaLee!


  1. Thanks Steph! The quilt looks good on your wall! Lots of love right back at you~ ~ hey, BB&B has a special this week on a "pink" Snugglie" - with a bonus book light - and if Brian uses a $5 coupon, he can buy your Christmas present for $9.99! He loves good deals!!

  2. Oh, I love that quilt! It does just scream "Steph". Can't wait to see it in person.


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