The Ranch

We went to visit my grandparents in Swan Lake Idaho. While I was there I mowed their lawn, it was the first time I had ever mowed a lawn, my grandpa said it looked like a drunk man mowed it. While driving the riding lawn mower was fun I think I will leave lawn mowing to Eric or better yet I will just hire someone to do it that is when I finally get a lawn (If I get a raise at work I may even hire someone to clean my bathroom- go a head judge me for that, but admit it you want a maid too).

This is Mir.

This is Skeeter

My grandpa's best friend: Buggs.


  1. Steph, those are beautiful pictures. Well done!

    I would never judge you for wanting a maid; as soon as possible, I'll be getting someone to come clean my bathrooms, dust and do the floors. The rest I can handle. :)

    Good job on mowing the lawn, too. I think the first time I mowed a lawn was when I was pregnant with Dawson so I'm right up there with you. I actually had to PUSH the lawnmower, though. I'm not sure if the riding mower counts. Heh heh.

  2. oh my gosh, I had no idea you had such an eye for photo's!! they're beautiful!!! um, and my dad never let me mow the lawn for the very same reason--my lines were never straight!--and now chris thinks I should mow the lawn--little does he know!! and yes PLEASE can I hire a maid? like, when is Caden going to be old enough to sweep and empty the dishwasher? I mean, its not like Chris will ever clean a bathroom again--so now I just have to wait till i can have little slaves :D

  3. did you take these photos? they are beautiful!


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