Deer Valley

The best way to enjoy the Utah Symphony is outside with food! Each year in Utah there is the Deer Valley Music Festival where one gets to sit on the ski slop and enjoy great music. Eric and I have been going to the festival for the last 4 years and we love it! This year we saw "Broadway Rocks" which included guest performers singing some of the greatest Broadway hits.

Did I mention that I quit diet coke right after I graduated? Well I did, and then I went to visit my grandparents (aka: the house of caffeine) and fell off the band wagon. So I am back on diet coke, I guess we all have to have our vises!


  1. Hey, there are a lot worse things than Diet Coke to be hooked on :)

  2. you are so gorgeous steph. Oh, I think I need a camera like yours. Your pictures are AWESOME!!


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