10 Things About Steph...

1. she is afraid of the dash board and when riding shotgun she must put the seat all the way back
2. she will not watch scary movies
3. she is always cold
4. she goes to the gym because she still afraid of getting fat
5. she loves her vises, diet coke, & using the word hell
6. she misses her mom
7. she thinks she has a great body - it only took 25 years, one good man, and leaving the ballet world to realize it
8. she has a natural tendency to be a bitch
9. she finds the question "so, when are you going to have a baby?" extremely offensive
10. she never goes anywhere with out her ipod and a book


  1. hahahahaha! You're hilarious. But seriously Steph, isn't it time for a baby already? Come ON! :)


  2. HELLO you forgot that you mastered the take on the world walk!! i love you!

  3. agree with you on more than a few.

    the body one? totally. ballet? i will make sure my little girls avoid that one like the plague.

    the baby q? another one. who made it any of their business?

    and the ipod thing. never. leave. without. it.

    miss you girl.

  4. Ha, oh Steph. You still crack me up. I love to hear about whats going on with you! You look happy and it makes me happy! Hope all is well! Loves, juls

  5. I can't believe you were in Idaho so close to me and I had no Idea. I loved your pictures,... beautiful.

  6. Love it! I wish the fear of getting fat was enough to motivate me to go to the gym! If I don't have something I'm training for, my gym shoes don't see the light of day.

  7. So, when are you going to have a baby? J/K, I love it, that is so you!


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