When husband and I first started dating I took him to Oregon to meet the parents. Well while we were there, the Yost's, our long time family friends were visiting as well, and after Eric and I accidentally wore matching shirts one day, Orden started calling Eric, Lover Boy. So the whole time Orden would periodically call out "Oh Lover Boy" just like in the movie Dirty Dancing. Since then Eric has not shook the nick name, plus I am a long time lover of the movie Dirty Dancing so then name has stuck.

So from here on out on this blog Husband, aka: Eric L Maughan, shall be known as Lover Boy, LB for short.

And for your viewing pleasure a little Dirty Dancing -


  1. I LOVE dirty dancing--this IS the best part!!!! aww...too funny! :D hahahahahaah

  2. Hey steph I didin't know you had a blog. I like it. If you want to ckeck out mine I'll give you the link. I actually have two. and

  3. Hey Steph, Anyone who really knows Eric knows his real nick name is not lover boy. It's The Cat.


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