why I don't have children...yet!

So this post started with an email conversation and I decided that I would post a portion of it. Every time a family member/neighbor/friend makes a comment about me having children or asks when we are going to start a family part of me wants to say "frankly that is none of your damn business" but then there is this other part that wants to make myself heard and wants to express my personal opinion /philosophy (thus this post). Furthermore this is in no way an excuse, I do not believe I need an excuse for not having children yet because again it is none of their damn business! So here is my opinion/philosophy:

I believe that being a parent is the most important thing I will ever do in this life and that every child deserves to come into a home that is financially, mentally, and relationshiply(not a word I know) stable. I believe that the most important time of a child's life is birth through age six and every child deserves to have their mother at home full time and not working while the child is at day care. I believe that my happiness and my husbands happiness are vital and worth considering and being extremely poor and living off the government (i.e. Medicaid, Food Stamps, Welfare, etc.) just so we can pop out a kid will not make us happy, is wrong and could ultimately end our marriage. I believe that when I choose to have children is a personal decision between me, my husband, and my God and that it is wrong to have a child any sooner then all 3 of us are ready. I realize that there is no perfect time to have children and that I will never be fully ready. I believe that every child has a right to come into a family that is ready and able to care for them and if I can not completely do that then I have absolutely no business having a child! So am I being selfish waiting to have a child?

My opinion: HELL NO! I am being responsible and selfless; and furthermore I am not waiting to have a child because I am a “princess” and I want everything to be all about me, in fact it is quite the opposite!

So, there you have it, I feel better now.


  1. I love you Steph. I miss your charming attitude. I completely agree with you. I would have been a divorcee and maybe in jail or an alcoholic if I would have had children earlier then we did. Tell me when we can do lunch! Has your schedule calmed down??

  2. This post has been removed by the author.

  3. I couldn't have said it as eloquently as you :) I agree 100%. So when are you going to have a baby? Haha, just kidding. I get that question a lot too.

  4. I think the bottom line is...everyone is judgmental. You are judged for not having kids yet and I am judged for having too many kids, but in reality we are all just trying to do the best we can with our time in this life while trying to do what we think God wants us to do. And you are right it is none of anybodies business! :)


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