Go Away Snow!

We made a trip to our favorite store today, REI! We went
to buy rain gear for backpacking trips because we had our dividend (if you don't know what I am talking about it is where you get so much money back from the things you purchased the previous year) and a gift card from my brother Alex and a 20% of coupon, YEAH! However, being at REI made me really anxious to get out and have an adventure, I am so sick of being shut up in my little cinder block bomb shelter (aka, my apartment).

Anyway so I was reflecting on the fact that it may come as a shock to some to see this once ballerina as a backpacker/camper, after all it is a well know fact that in my previous life I was (and still am to a point) a major priss. And then I thought many of you may not even believe me when I say I love to go backpacking. So thus the reason for the picture! This is Eric and I at the top of Kings Peak (13,528 Feet) last summer. I know we both look like total dorks but I love this picture because I never thought I would ever be able to climb the highest mountain in UT and it makes me feel like one tough cookie! We did this 30+ mile trip with Mel and Jim and had so much fun. With that all said I will never ever climb Kings Peak again! However, I am in desperate need of another adventure, any suggestions?


  1. haha...i was looking at this yesterday with chris and he said, 'who's that?' I said, 'steph!!!" then I told him I thought it was funny that you're all hiker, when you were such a prima-ballerina, and then I read your post and laughed! K, I can't believe you're a knitter and don't know what rick-rac is!!! I promise if you saw it you'd know what it is!! go to this website: http://funisinstyle.blogspot.com/2007/05/make-your-own-ric-rac-flowers.html

    love you!

  2. If you're looking for an adventure, you have to come to Idaho. Yeah, yeah, I know we are all farmers and all that but, it is beautiful here and mountains in every direction (without thousands of people in them with you) Send me an email, we should plan one with our hubbys. 'Cause we all know that ballerinas are the toughest girls on the planet. :)

  3. Look at you go!!! I had to tell my mom about your adventures. I agree I'm ready for spring


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