Dressers and Desks...

We got new furniture! Up until now almost every piece of furniture in our house has been crap that we have gotten for free from family and friends. However, the other night after the dresser drawers refused to close anymore we broke down and went to IKEA and bought two new dressers and then the next week we broke down again and went to IKEA and bought a new desk. IKEA now has most of our tax return. Eric spend hours putting the new furniture together, I was not helpful I knitted and watched movies.

Anyway here are the pictures of our new digs. Eric has now passed a new rule that no clutter is allowed on the new furniture, in fact the other day I left my ear rings on top of the dresser and got a lecture. I think my mother's OCD is rubbing off on my husband. If I only knew that new furniture endorsed cleanliness in my husband I would have broke down and bought new furniture sooner, now if I could just get him to put his socks in the hamper. I wonder what sort of power a new couch would have?


  1. Hey Stephanie! It's Jessica Slade from the ward! Love your blog!

  2. Awwww new furniture-- I want some! Super cute. I totally do the same thing whenever I get anything new. I want it to stay prefect. Especially a new car! :)

  3. you are too cute! I'm so proud that after almost 3 years of marriage you finally got new furniture!!! lol...i think the husband missing the hamper just comes with being a husband...i swear all of chris's clothes are around the hamper! I miss you!!!

  4. Gotta love IKEA! Cute blog! I miss you girl!


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